I was told that Mrs. Gray died recently from a combination of old age and flying through the windshield of a car. There was some little memorial that had I known about at the time I would have attended. Fortunately for her memory, I can send a posthumous message to the dearly departed.
Mrs. Gray, we did not always find common ground or even show each other any amount of respect, but now that I have matured I can concede a few good aspects that you possessed. For one thing, it takes incredible talent for a deranged reptile to walk upright for as long as you did. Also you died, and that's super swell of ya.
Hey! What do Mrs. Gray and Princess Diana have in common? Not much, Diana was rich and people loved her, but credit to Mrs. Gray she could catch some awesome air.
In closing here is a song that goes out to you Mrs. Gray, wherever you are: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16FdJrrAWSo
For those of you who may find it repulsive that I am insulting a dead woman, well, if she asks me to stop I will.