The air is cooling and the dark flesh of the night is stretching across the sky. Below me is a small group of flies that made dared pester me, their corpses are now being investigated by a group of fire ants who agreed several days ago to leave me alone in exchange for my sparing their Queen. And aside from these corpses, life blooms all around me.
It is almost my birthday and once again I am genuinely surprised that I have lived another year. I thought by now one of the people who vowed to kill me would have actually come through, or at least some sort of disease or cranium growth. Well, the angel of death must need glasses because here I am, still breathing fire and still plotting things that will leave broken bodies and minds behind me as I pursue a life worth living.
There is work to be done old bean. You've got mental and physical renovations to attend to, time to turn that shanty you call an existence back into a marble palace with nude statues in the bathroom. You can do it. You have to do it.
I wan't to write candidly but that is not the purpose of an online word depository. If any of the 2 people who read this thing found out I've got a mild case of 'emotions' then snake crawling across the floor would start laughing at me. Holy shit there's a snake on the floor... beautiful. Anyway, I forgot what I was talking about so I will jump straight into talking about things that I will regret.
Chapter 1: The Quickening
I've had the same similar dream for the past few days. In each one there is either the same person or the thoughts or pursuit of that person. Luckily that person is a woman, if it were a man I'd have to resign myself to becoming a homosexual and then I'd have to develop a fashion sense that extends beyond blue jeans and black shirts. But at least I'd get to be FABULOUS! I wonder what it means to have recurring dreams. After consulting the guy next door who was carrying the couch by himself, the recurring dreams could mean the following (which are also graded on scale of 'OH SHIT-ness.')
1. The tumor in my brain has become spiteful and has decided to replace the nightmares with tantalizingly pleasant dreams. (Moderately bad)
2. It's a side effect of losing my memory. (Bad)
3. My subconcious is experiencing some kind of 'Groundhog Day' symptom where everything is repeated... kind of. (Awesome cause then I'd have a reason to ask Bill Murray for advice)
4. I have fallen for the woman and the dreams are a way of reminding me that despite how mad I would be for her, things simply would not go my way. (Painful, but it would be nice to know even my dreams have a sense of humor)
5. It's a side effect of my losing my memory. (Bad)
6. That the world truly will end during my being around this person. (Good, because now I know how to bring about the end of humanity, then when aliens arrive they will not have to deal with my neighbor's face)
Like the tumor, I imgaine that the problem will be solved by giving it time, so I will wait this out and almost assuredly things will get worse. But maybe they will get better.