I can imagine myself waking up in the aether and looking down at our planet from on high. In a matter of seconds I can see the birth and death of everything human. The birth and development was very interesting but without a doubt the demise was the star of the show. I would say, "wow, that came out of fuckin' nowhere," when I learn how it ended. Well... I'd like to think anyhow. It is always a good thing to end on a joke or a rim shot.
It's lonely outside. No wind, no clouds, and no sounds. Though I hate it, I wouldn't mind listening to the frog that seeks to piss me off right now. I wonder why this is. Most likely it is a coincidence, but it is not that far of a stretch to say that nature may be conspiring to get me low so I cant see the tree branch assassin the next time I'm cruising through the woods in a convertible. Ah yes, I would love to do that right now, convertible cruising in the woods despite the threat of wood-be assassins. Life is too short to worry about the tree's murder thoughts.
I've got sand in my eyes earlier than usual. I'm going to go bury the hatchet.
I like that word, "aether."