my life is mine. do as i please before i am dust in the breeze. love and hate and laugh and joke and do all of this before i croak. more than the money and more than the fame and more than those bastards who all think the same. its not my world but its not theirs either. they collectively grasp at dull rings while using defective eyes and defective hearts to feel their way around the mists and darkness that we all find ourselves having to cross through. theres more than anyone thinks there is. the wisest of us all would shudder and weep but then throw their arms up in joy at the neverending mystery and the continuous flow of reassuring and reaffirming moments and ideas. it never ends but we do. its of extreme importance to embrace and seek these things. grow your heart not paper or electronic currency. find contentment and happiness not more room to put shit you dont need and dont truly want.
a person, because they are a person, must learn learn how to wash away the ideas they were given and then reconstruct a model of reality from genuine honesty, rationality, and an altruistic nature. we are the only living beings who can become puppets to ideas and thoughts. through us 'ideas' find homes and are given all thats needed to exist without existing. an idea that has been implanted before you had the chance to think it over is a virus that as an adult you should be able or willing to purge. once preconceived notions are gone you must find what it is in this life that you want to emulate or pursue or live for. if it is truth make it absolute truth and chase it down relentlessly. if it is love make it love for all people and hold close the branches that stem from love compassion and forgiveness and let them turn you into a loving being. and if all you want is to live happily under your own terms then do not ever do anything that would impede another person who is striving for the same thing as you. bad ideas will cause a person who wants happiness to actively attack and destroy the happiness of others.
to write like this i shift all into the aether. i am not aware or conscious of anything but the thoughts that float all around me. when i am thinking or displeased the majority of the thoughts stay away but when i am off they act like fireflies that seek rest in my mind so they come to me. take apart the method and leave the reception then let the fingers convey the rest.
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