Tonight I realized how much of a remarkable attention whore I can be. I spent time concocting a plot for a fantastic joke that fell through. Then I spent even more time trying to rig up an alternate joke that worked surprisingly well despite the great shame it brought upon my accomplice. I was given attention for my work. I was called and sought out by many people and a handful of unexpected things happened that pleased me, but what I desired from whom I desired it. I was left wanting.
There is always something to be learned from missteps. I will salvage the scraps from the field after the airplane exploded and I'll carry them to my shack on the mountain to make something out of malice.
Must work on stamina. All you must work on stamina, especially that me guy. That's good advice, but hardly any of you will take it, especially that me guy. But why not I wonder? It is good advice and has many practical opportunities for implementation; for instance, having more stamina is very useful to have when you are working on extending that stamina. It's also handy when disemboweling a hated foe, or surviving a grim ordeal like having to disembowel a hated foe because your hatred carries you on a blood soaked wind towards psychosis and things like butchering a person whom you dislike becomes rational in your chemically imbalanced mind.
I'm making a great many typos today, luckily I've got handy dandy backspace key. Truly, backspace is the key to fixing the past when you're finger ranting. Or would this be ranting? It's very unfocused stuff I'm working with here. There is no theme or thread with any of this and I am curious if something like this could be done and taken seriously. Aha, another typo attempt... there is something wrong with brain today. *Message from the brain* "Forgive my pretension, I usually do not refer to myself in the third person but as my vessel has already hinted, I am not working properly today. Surely this is my own fault, but rather than take the blame like a healthy brain would I am going to blame it on the vessel. I presume this based on the fact that without me the vessel is nothing."
Christ it's getting cloudy outside, I do hope it's going to storm, *Brain here, again. I would like to point out that I am aware that without the vessel I'd be little more than a watery ball of nothing. It does provide me with input and takes me places for more input, and input is of course what makes me an effective brain. But I've been so absent minded and scatter brained that it has effected the vessel in negative ways. We are not working together here, well, except when we are both working against everyone else. I will mull this over while "he" continues on with what will go down as another in a long succession of overdrawn, unread and inane ramblings.* I hope it does, I fucking love horrible weather.
I think I have said it before, long ago, that I was going to conduct experiments on myself. I cannot recall if I actually did, maybe that was the point of some of the experiments, so that I don't remember the horror of injecting myself with bizarre chemicals that left me an electrified lunatic, but I will assume that I have and when the time comes I will be able to call upon some violent power to destroy my soon to be disemboweled foes. Like I said before, I think I have said it, but I know I will say it again... in 3...2...1... It... fuck... FORGIVE MY APOSTASY GREAT MAGNET! I PRESUMED TO "KNOW" ANYTHING IN THIS UNKNOWABLE WORLD! HAVE MERCY ON MY MEAGER FORM AND MALFUNCTIONING BRAIN!
The shift key must be held when seeking the Great Magnet's forgiveness. It's a matter of respect you see. One must humble themselves before all things at one point, it's good for you. It's almost as good as working on your stamina.
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