You know, it's been quite some time since we've endangered ourselves with some incredible advancement... where are the mad scientists with big horrible ideas? Chimeras and nuclear animals with unending blood lust should have been engineered years ago, but progress was halted soon after the killer bee. At one time in our history there was a manhunt for a radioactive pedophile... we need more of these things, spicy life things.
What we need is a constant flow of new and altered perspectives. We've become much too stale, much too homogenized and much too uninteresting for the planet to let us live for much longer. Soon she will beckon for the skies to launch cosmic volleys upon our lands. We should have listened to the devils on our shoulders and the beasts inside us that seek to wreak mischief and havoc in places where there is the most need for them. We're not machines, we are the result of an ongoing process that hopes to shape us into something greater than our minds have probed. Nobody seems to hear the cries coming from the place between madness and rationality. It is a lonely cry.
That cry is the kind that reminds you that throughout time hope has been snuffed out and that for some, dreams were killed or never chased at all. I am currently experiencing a reality shift. It's strange and terrible. If I were a lesser being I would cry. But I do not cry, I seek out the pain and I strangle it. I seek and destroy, rape and murder, violate and annihilate and rest assured that I am one of the good guys.
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